Sunday, October 30, 2011

Thank You To My Readers

When I started my blog back up in July I didn't think I would have many people reading it. But that didn't stop me from writing. Blogging can be a hard task. It reminds me of writing a book, there are so many paths and options to choose but the best place to start is by just writing.

I wanted to blog to keep myself informed of what many librarians and professionals deal with/use in their regular lives. By using Blogger's Stats I have found some great feedback on: what posts have the most views, traffic sources (what websites or search words used to find blog), and audience (by country). These are all grouped together by: now (current information), day, week, month, or all time (since creation of blog). My most popular posts according to the statistics are about finding jobs or ways to improve your resume.

From my 74 hits in July to my current 215 for this month (and counting), I have grown more comfortable in writing again. Another good tip for blogging, write what you know and what you're experiencing. Chances are you are not alone.

So thank you to everyone who has stopped by to read my blog. My fellow colleagues on LinkedIn. And especially those of you in the U.S., Germany, France, Latvia, Russia, Iran, Australia, the U.K., Netherlands, and India. 

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