QR (quick response) codes are becoming more popular and though it might appear only as a trend, the information it provides are quickly becoming an essential part of life for this social media era. Unlike classic bar codes that are restricted to only 20 numeric digits, QR codes are matrix barcodes and can contain thousands of alphabetic and numeric characters. Other names for QR codes include “2d codes, 2d barcodes, or mobile codes” (November 2010 College & Research Libraries News vol. 71 no. 10, pgs 526-530). The Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) article continues,
“The QR code typically appears as a small white square with black geometric shapes, though colored and even branded QR codes are now being used. QR codes can hold much more information than a regular barcode. The information encoded in a QR code can be a URL, a phone number, an SMS message, a V-card, or any text. They are referred to as QR because they allow the contents to be decoded at high speed. QR codes were developed in 1994 by Denso-Wave, a Toyota subsidiary.”
For an easy to understand video, please visit: Common Craft (unfortunately I am unable to add this directly to my blog, as this is becoming a membership website). When learning a new topic I personally like how Common Craft is able to explain in a quick and simple manner. If you would prefer a YouTube video, please use the following link: http://youtu.be/wmak6uKxr2M to watch the University of Nebraska Omaha Criss Library explanation (1:20 minutes in length).
Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki provides a list of ways libraries are implementing QR codes at libraries. Below is a list created in the College & Research Libraries News article previously mentioned. (Please refer back to Library Success Wiki to find the correlating link to the below examples).
- Library exhibits that include a QR code link to songs, videos, Web sites, surveys, contests, etc. or other information that augments the exhibits.
- Codes in the library stacks/end caps or magazine/journal areas that point to online electronic holdings of print materials or related subject guides.
- Linking to library audio tours for orientations.
- Code added to print handouts for additional information on mobile friendly sites.
- QR code with text that loads the library’s text message reference service and other contact information into the patron’s phone.
- Art shows or permanent art in libraries with a QR code linking to the artists’ Web sites.
- In catalog records to offer patrons basic info about an item, including the location and call number. Users can scan the code and head to the stacks rather than writing or printing.
- Taped to video/DVD cases, linking to mobile-friendly video trailers.
- Code placed on staff directory pages and research guides that go to mobile friendly sites for later reference.
- Code placed on audio book cases for author interviews or books for reviews.
- Code placed on study room doors connecting to room reservation forms.
- Library video tutorials—individual videos or create a QR code to a YouTube playlists of videos, which create a great mobile home screen app that can be saved for easy access, as needed.
More Information:
Keremer Kan- QR Code and 2D Code Generator
“This page is an online two dimensional code generator which is written in PHP. It can generate QR Code, Data Matrix, Aztec Code and Micro QR Code for the time being. Because QR Code is much more popular than the other code formats, it is separately named in the page title. If you need more information on two dimensional bar code systems, I strongly suggest that you take a look at Roger Smolski‘s comprehensive blog on QR Code and two dimensional bar codes. Also you should check out John Hopkins‘s extensive iPhone QR Code reader roundup. Lastly, if you would like to help a student with his university expenses, you can try Michael Schade‘s QR Business Cards service.”
Examples of QR Codes in use:
15 Beautiful and Creative QR Codes [PICS] by Mashable Tech.
Business Cards by Library Scenester (and what information should be on the cards).
Campus News Updates at University of Pennsylvania.
For Teachers in Classrooms, article by The Daring Librarian.
Help in Museum. Wikipedia Launches QR Code Creation Service to Assist Museum Visitors, article by
Virginia Tech's Newman Library, Rebecca K. Miller’s blog, explaining QR codes and offering her office hours by code.
A Quick Guide to Creating Library QR Codes by iLibrarian.
Q&A: Make a Quick QR Code by New York Times.
How QR Codes Can Grow Your Business by Social Media Examiner (QR Codes 101).
Make Links to Your Website from Anywhere by Gigaom (QR Codes 101).
Make a Google Favorite Place.
Print QR codes on Everything (for Marketing and Advertising): http://www.qrstuff.com/.
Create QR Codes for Free
http://myqr.co/ (Can make two toned QR Codes, like the one located on my blog).
“Paste any URL into the box below. myQR will shorten it, and display your QR code in the box to the right. Create QR codes for your Facebook profile, your LinkedIn page, or any other website you can think of.”
http://qrcode.kaywa.com/ (Choose Content type, URL, and size for code).
http://www.qrstuff.com/ (Select: Data type, text, and background color for free. Other printing options available for a fee).
“Not everyone is happy with just being able to create a puny little GIF file that's only good for pinning to a web page, so we've extended the possibilities to include handy ways to get your QR Code out into the "real world" where it can actually work for you:
- Generate QR Codes in printable formats - either a single code or as an array of codes - and then you print them out yourself.
- Generate a QR Code and then email it to someone.
- Generate QR Codes that are good enough to use as artwork for a t-shirt and allow you to actually buy the shirt with your custom QR Code on it via the Zazzle print-on-demand website.
- Generate unlimited numbers of high resolution QR Code artwork files for graphic design use at up to 25.4cm (10 inches) at 300dpi by opening a subscription account. More info about subscriptions here.
“Quikqr is a free QR code generator with added cool bits. Once you have generated your code you can save it, print it, email it, share it with your friends or make fun things like t-shirts and Moo cards. Quikqr is totally free and you don't need to sign in.”
“How to make a QR Code?
1. Type your message
2. Click "Qurify!" to qurify the message.
3. Download the QR Code image.
4. QR Code Done!”
QR code Readers Explained: http://2d-code.co.uk/qr-code-readers/