Saturday, September 20, 2008

Common Craft-Explanations in Plain English

While at a campus function, a fellow SLISer gave some student an update on what is popular with social networking and technology. I have seen the RSS (usually an orange box with three symbols on it) on many pages but ignored it for the most part. I hadn't add one to my own blog until a couple of months ago. But after watching Common Craft's video, I decided to give it a shot.

Common Craft RSS Video

If you haven't heard of the Common Craft videos, I highly encourage you to look into them. Hey, it's faster than reading an Dummies's or Idiots Guide. They even have one called "Electing a US President in Plain English".

My Blog feed for LIS has now been added to the right.

Getting Back Into the Swing of Things

Well now that I have finished summer classes, went back to Michigan for two weeks, and survived the disruption and damage of two hurricane (only Gustav hit Baton Rouge- but it caused LSU to stop classes for a week and left 1.5 million state wide without electricity). So to lighten things up a bit I thought I would lists some websites I have found to help relieve stress and basically waste time- in random order. Enjoy!


Not Always Right- Sometimes the customer is wrong

The Onion

Bookworm- You say you're a librarian, but what does your score say?;_ylc=X3IDMgRtcANibARwb3MDMTAEc2VjA2dhbWVsaXN0BHNsawNCb29rd29ybQ--?gamekey=bookworm

Free Coloring Book Pages- Embrace coloring outside the lines

Learning Games- When you could still solve all the problems without cheating

The Peeps Go to the Library- Yes, the Easter Candy

The "Tomes and Talismans" Videos (Mississippi Public Broadcasting's post-apocalyptic library science educational show from the mid-eighties. )

And of course, a classic:
The Original Virtual Bubblewrap